Conservation Connection. Apr 2021.

Look at our fabulous bee hydration stations that have been created by each class!

Each class was given a plain fence post (kindly donated by the Lymington Fencing Centre) to decorate in bright colours, to attract bees!

We used milk bottle tops which have been affixed with glue guns, that our Eco Team will top up with water each day. A small pebble will be placed in each one for bees to land on while they stop for a rest and hydrate.

We had great fun decorating our posts and designing our stations and we hope that local bees will benefit from our work! They will be placed all around the school grounds (nearby to flowers) so that bees can stop by for a drink, should they need one. We have sent pictures of our designs to Conservation Connection (organisers of the New Forest Big Bee Rescue) and asked them to pick their favourite! The winning class will receive a prize... watch this space for more news!


Road Safety Day. Apr 2021.


Go Orange for Solent Rescue. Apr 2021.