Remembrance Day:

Dear God,

This month we remember and thank those in service, who have protected our freedom and sacrificed their lives in wars and conflict, and all those who continue to do so. 

May we and others, be guided by you, to continue our mission to promote peace and justice for all.

In your name,


Remembrance Blog

We are incredibly proud of all our children that took time to be involved and support processions, parades and times of reflection and prayer for Remembrance day this year.

We share with you a snippet of our children and the actions they took as part of Remembrance. We thank them and our families for sharing knowledge of those in service past, present and future.

“My child did an amazing job in the New Milton parade on Sunday, holding the flag for the 1st Barton Sea Scouts beaver group.  He made us proud and his grandparents who served in the Royal Airforce. His great grandfather who served in WWII would have been so proud of him too.”

“My child took part in Remembrance parade with Lymington brownies”

“My child  represented our school family at the Southampton procession. We were one of the first schools, alongside our partnership family schools, to be invited to attend the event and lay a wreath within the parade.”

“My child took part in the New Milton Remembrance parade with her Guides group.”

“My children and their peer attended the New Milton parade and then the memorial service at the memorial hall afterwards. They supported peers who formed part of the parade.”

“My child took part in the Remembrance parade with his squirrel group. We thought he was amazing. We shared proud and sad tears together as a family as members within our family lost lives during this time. It felt very emotional hearing the last post and seeing my child stood so proudly.”

“ My child was a flag bearer for Lymington Squirrels.”


Year 5 blog:


Year R blog: