School Houses. Sept 2020.

We are pleased to announce our new House Captains and Vice Captains for 2020 - 2021. 

Year 6 children interested in the position recorded a speech to explain why they would be best suited to the role. The rest of the school watched their videos in their classes and held a vote. The votes from each class were put together to find our new House and Vice Captains.  

Well done to everyone that put themselves forward. Your speeches were wonderful and you all showed what wonderful qualities you would have brought to the role. You all showed what a credit you are to OLSJ.

Our House and Vice Captains will have an instrumental role in organising competitions for their teams, distributing house point certificates and badges, supporting in assemblies and helping their teams! We wish them the best of luck in their new roles.

St. Matthew: Alfie (House Captain), Ava (Vice Captain)

St. Mark: Evie (House Captain), Becky (Vice Captain)

St. Luke: Will (House Captain), Lillie (Vice Captain)

St. John: Joe (House Captain), Lucas (Vice Captain)


Hampshire Fire & Rescue. Sept 2020.


500 Words Competition. Sept 2020.