500 Words Competition. Sept 2020.

Just before the lockdown, Year 2 entered BBC2's 500 Words Competition. They had to write a short story that had less than 500 words!

Our stories were influenced by 'Norman, the Slug with a Silly Shell', by Sue Hendra. Each child wrote a twist on the story, by creating their own character that tried to fit in with another set of characters by wearing a disguise!

There was a horse that wanted to be a unicorn, so they wore an ice cream cone! We had a lion who wanted to be a cheetah so badly that they made spots out of chocolate - and we even had a blackbird who was so desperate to be a parrot, that they went to IKEA and rolled in the paint! 

All of the stories were very imaginative and although we didn't have any national winners, all of our children received a certificate today from BBC Radio 2 for taking part. 


School Houses. Sept 2020.


Partnership Learning Platform. Apr 2020.