National Lockdown Update. Nov 2020.

Monday 2nd November 2020

National lockdown – Update 

Dear Parents

I hope that you all had a well-rested half term; we are really pleased to welcome your children back to school. It is wonderful to be remaining open and we are all raring to work together as we approach Christmas.

As you are aware, we will be starting a National Lockdown on Thursday 5th November. The school will remain open during this time, but some adjustments will be made to ensure that children, staff, parents and our wider community are as safe as possible. I thank you in advance for your support and for following the Government’s guidelines. It is essential that we all play our part fighting Covid-19.

Face masks/coverings on school site

Starting on Tuesday, 3rd November, all parents and children over the age of 12 entering the school site MUST wear a face covering, mask or visor. This is to minimize the spread of germs and protect our community when around others. Please remember that this is the protocol in shops, restaurants etc, as well as on public transport. 

No one will be allowed to enter the school site without a face covering. Should you hold a medical exemption for this, please contact the school office urgently so that we can support you. 

School office protocol

In order to protect our school office team, no parents are allowed into the school office without exception. Please do communicate with the admin team via email or telephone. 

Contact with class teachers

If you require contact with your child’s class teacher, please initiate this in one of the following ways:

- A written note in your child’s homework diary

- A phone call via the school office

- An email via the info@ account

Teachers will then arrange a phone call to discuss any queries. Sadly, we cannot support be any meetings face to face with class teachers. 

Again, I thank you for your continued support during these challenging times. As a school community we are continually reflecting on how best to keep everyone safe. These measures are part of that action; we wish you all safe and well as we continue to teach all of our children. 

Yours sincerely

Gerida Montague

Executive Headteacher


E-Cadets Update. Nov 2020.


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