Sponsored Walk

This half term the children took part in a sponsored walk in aid of Honeypots Children's Charity for our charity challenge this half term. The children were inspired by Captain Tom Moore's walk for the NHS during lockdown and learned about his work prior to the sponsored walk. Children walked laps of the school grounds and recorded their endeavours over the week. The results were as follows....

1st place - St John: 556 laps

2nd place - St Mark: 478 laps

3rd place - St Luke: 456 laps

4th place - St Matthew: 362 laps

As part of this challenge, we have raised a wonderful £640.50 to date for Honeypots which will benefit the charity greatly. Thank you to everyone for your generosity and benevolence at this time. 


National Lockdown Update. Nov 2020.


Sports Competition - Autumn 1. Sept 2020.