Year 5/6 Singing

A group of children from year 5 and 6 performed at Priestlands Secondary School as part of their annual Christmas concert. The year groups had been learning some songs with Mr Williams, Head of Music over the half term and were delighted to be invited to perform at the show with the secondary school as part of the "Pennington Community Choir," in their Performing Arts Centre!

Well done to all involved - the children loved performing in a real 'studio!'

We also received this lovely message from Mr Williams, thanking the children for their work:

"Just to say that the pupils were exceptional both in their performances and their behaviour last night, a real credit to the school. Iā€™d like to say thanks to all the pupils and staff that have had a hand in making this such a wonderful event for us all, thank you." 


Performance Poetry


Year 1, 2, 3 Nativity