Performance Poetry

We have been looking at 'Performance Poetry' in classes this half term, focusing on our oracy skills!

Why not ask your child about the poems that they have been learning at school?

YR- Pancakes in a Pan by Christina Rossetti

Y1- The Owl and the Pussycat by Edward Lear

Y2- The Boneyard Rap by Wes McGee

Y3- Please Mrs Butler by Allan Alhberg

Y4- Macavity, the Mystery Cat by TS Eliot

Y5- The Jabbawocky by Lewis Carroll

Y6- The Highway Man by Alfred Noyes

Each class put together a video of their poem - our favourite was Year 3 performing "Please Mrs Butler" - Click here to view - isn't it fantastic? 


Year 4,5,6 Carol Concert


Year 5/6 Singing