Prayer Leaders blog:

Pilgrims of Hope and Our Year of Jubilee

This year, our school community has embraced the beautiful theme of Pilgrims of Hope, embarking on a journey of faith, action, and renewal during the special Year of Jubilee. On the 24th of January, we marked the start of this transformative year with a joyful Jubilee Launch Day. The day began with a meaningful liturgy, led by our prayer leader children, where we gathered in prayer, song, and reflection to celebrate the essence of jubilee—a time of restoration, justice, and hope.

As part of our celebrations, we have made a series of whole-school pledges that connect deeply to our values, our identity as a Home of Sanctuary, and our commitment to Catholic Social Teaching (CST) principles. These pledges reflect our mission to nurture children as architects of a better world, shaping a future filled with compassion, care, and hope.

Our Whole-School Pledges

  1. We pledge to look after creatures great and small.
    Inspired by Genesis 1:28-29, we commit to caring for God’s creation, protecting all living things, and recognizing our shared responsibility as stewards of the earth.

  2. We pledge to live in solidarity and for our school to be a Home of Sanctuary for all.
    Rooted in John 15:12—"Love one another as I have loved you"—this pledge is a reminder of our duty to welcome, include, and support everyone, especially the most vulnerable, as we continue to build a school community founded on kindness and respect.

  3. We pledge to live sustainably.
    Drawing on the call in Genesis 2:15 to "till and keep" the earth, we promise to live more sustainably, reducing waste and making choices that honor and preserve our common home for future generations.

  4. We pledge to connect and care for those living in solitude.
    Inspired once again by John 15:12, we dedicate ourselves to reaching out to those who may feel lonely, fostering connection, compassion, and companionship within our school and beyond.

Living Out Our Jubilee Mission

Through these pledges, we aim to put faith into action, ensuring that our daily lives reflect our commitment to justice, love, and care for one another and for creation. These promises also align closely with the values of a Home of Sanctuary, where everyone is seen, valued, and supported. In the coming months, we will work together as a school community to bring these pledges to life through meaningful projects and initiatives. By caring for creatures great and small, welcoming all with open hearts, living sustainably, and reaching out to those in solitude, we hope to create ripples of positive change that extend far beyond our school walls.

Together, as Pilgrims of Hope, we journey forward, confident in our ability to shape a brighter, kinder, and more hopeful future.


Parent Workshop:


Reading Ambassadors: