Account of Year 5 & Year 6 WW2 visit to St Barbe by Hannah

On Wednesday Year 5 and 6 went to St Barbe's Museum to learn more about World War 2.

Although we already knew lots of interesting facts about this topic, Verity showed us some artefacts from the museum to help us learn even more!

We dressed up in clothing that we would have worn if we were working during World War 2, when we looked at different occupations people had. It was great fun!

I had to dress up as one of the women who took over one of the factory jobs. We learned about the jobs that men had to give up when they became soldiers, and the jobs that women filled in their place. Sadly, many of the men died during the war, and we took the time to remember them.

It was a very interesting visit and we all learned something new!


e-Cadets Assembly 27.11.19


Year 5 & 6 Remembrance Service at St. Mark's, Pennington