Author Visit. Mar 2021.

We were extremely lucky to have a virtual visit from Catherine Bruton on Thursday 4th March! 

Catherine is a multi award nominated author who writes fiction books for children and young adults. Catherine read some of her book 'No Ballet Shoes in Syria' to us after we told her all about our fantastic 'School of Sanctuary' work - we very much enjoyed it (and the voices she put on for the different characters!)

We were able to ask her questions about her inspiration for the story. Catherine told us how she spoke to many refugee families to ensure her work authentically reflected their experience. She told us how she wrote the book to help young people see and treat refugees with kindness, as it is they who will help shape the world to be a better place. 

We also got to ask questions about her writing work - she told us lots about the editing process (which is a little bit like in school!) and about how long it takes to write a book. Catherine gave us lots of tips to help us with our story writing that we can use in school!

Y5/6 also got to speak to Catherine on Friday 5th March (our World Book Day) where she read her story 'Another Twist in the Tale' to all of the UKS2 partnership schools, which we very much enjoyed. We have all been inspired to read more and to write more after Catherine's visit - and know that our words and our work can change the world if we share our ideas!


Into University. Mar 2021.


New Forest Big Bee Rescue. Feb 2021.