New Forest Big Bee Rescue. Feb 2021.

Mr Clark led us in a virtual assembly this week about the 'New Forest Big Bee' rescue! 

British bees are in decline and this is threatening our agriculture and ecosystems!

We can all play our part in helping the bees locally! Mr Clark explained how we can build 'bee drinking stations' or 'bee baths' very easily at home to help a dehydrated bee. We can easily plant wildflowers and bee friendly plants in our gardens that will give the bees a rich feeding ground. Mr Clark and his eco team will lead us on our return to school in an initiative to help support the New Forest bees - watch this space! If you do wish get involved at home, let us know, we'd love to see how you are helping! For more information and ideas, take a look at this handy guide below that has lots of great ideas.


Author Visit. Mar 2021.


Eco Bronze Award. Feb 2021.