OWL blog:

Years 1 to 6 have fully embraced the outdoors since returning to school! Thus far we have reviewed what we are doing well and what we can improve on around the site, we have made plans for our outdoor environments at school as well as planning what we'd like to do to support our local and wider communities. We have enjoyed mindful moments, connecting with nature and reflecting on God's creation.

We have begun implementing our planting plan, thinking carefully about what we want to grow, what they need and where we are going to plant them. We have also demonstrated fantastic use of tools (so far: big gardening tools, small gardening tools, mallets and, for some, screwdrivers and wrenches). We will continue to think critically and scientifically in the weeks to come as we deepen our understanding of the impact that we can make in our incredible world


School Council:


Year 2 Library Trip: