Welcome back blog - OLSJ prayer leaders

Thank you, Lord, for your new beginnings and unwavering provision. I trust that your peace will watch over me as I step into a new beginning. This year, I will rely on the riches of your love and grace to provide for my physical, emotional and spiritual needs. 

In Jesus' name, Amen. 

Welcome back!

We hope you have enjoyed your summer together with family and friends and enjoyed the sunshine that we were blessed with. We are so delighted to see everyone back in school and we are looking forward to our best year yet! This week we have been discussing the 'Rule of Love' and how we are all connected by love as a school family. We have spoken about what breaks and strengthens these connections and who we extend these connections to.

There are some fantastic enrichment opportunities planned for the children this year and we begin to see our Home of Sanctuary prayer space in action this coming year, led by our new 'Home of Sanctuary' wardens George R and Olivia M. You can read all about the development of this space from last year on our website in the prayer leader section, as well as embedded in our pupil voice. Our news has travelled far and wide and we are thankful for the Portsmouth Diocese E-News, that has shared our grateful celebrations and thankful contributions with our Diocese. You can see our feature here: https://mailchi.mp/portsmouthdiocese/issue454

This year, we are excited to attend Mass at our local parish during term time and we look forward to joining together with our local parish to pray and reflect together. We also hope to join forces to achieve our Live Simply Award too.

We welcome and bless our new prayer leads in the coming weeks: Ed (Y2) Millie (Y2) Kasper (Y3) Sienna (Y3)Jaxon(Y4) Lara (Y4) Tilly (Y5) Evie (Y5) Olivia T (Y3)  and Fin (Y3).

What a wonderous year ahead!

2024-25 OLSJ Prayer Leader team


Wednesday word:


Trip to Waterstones blog: