Year 6 blog - Day 2

Year 6 received their morning wake up call and arose at 7.15 (most of them). After a protein packed breakfast, it was time to prepare for the morning activities.

Today both groups were on the water, in the local creek, dragon boating.  The children were initially taught the fundamental techniques and coxswain calls, then took to the water. In the core of the creek, the pupils practised their rhythmic paddling and team work and once this was mastered it was time to challenge a local school. Loaded with a competitive Mr Clark, the children paddled with all their might and after a photo finish ,it was decided by Miss Walker and Mrs Herman that OLSJ were the victors.

The second activity of the day saw Group 1 tackle the vertical challenge and Group 2 unpick the orienteering. The children in the first group were challenged to climb an obstacle course with pace and accuracy. With little fear of heights, there was minimal hesitation in making it to the top!

Group 2 worked on their navigation skills; building on their compass reading expertise from school. They were challenged to find various points on site using their map reading skills. Rather amusingly, Mrs Herman was called into action to save a couple of disorientated groups.

After lunch, group 1 worked on their survival skills; creating a shelter with minimal resources  and lighting fires with flint. After this, the children feathered sticks. Group 2 tackled the vertical ropes. Everyone challenged themselves to reach as high as possible and after a very early wobble, Elizabeth, step by step, with cheers of encouragement from her peers, made it right to the top!


Year 1 Pip and Pap Phonics Workshop


Wednesday Word: