Year 6 blog:

In year 6 this term we are writing a fiction piece about our characters heading through a portal to another world. The Portal story follows the traditional structure of a build up to a climax or a cliffhanger, but children get the opportunity to create their own settings, characters and plot. It is a fabulous opportunity to show off their writing skills whilst still using their creative tool-kit and previous experience of Dramatic Action writing to create something magical.

The children have been practising their figurative language skills, using similes, metaphors and personification to create and describe their new world and how their character interacts with this world using their senses. Having drawn on books such as ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe’ as well as ‘Alice in Wonderland’, we have so many exciting new worlds to describe and explore.  Year 6 are studying WW2 this half term and have spent their time so far analysing what happened on Dunkirk beach, how 'The Little Ships' helped in the rescue and the different emotions people experienced at the time. 

We have also explored the events leading up to Operation Dynamo, the consequences of these and how various situations could have ended completely differently. 

Next we are researching what happened during the Battle of Britain in the autumn of 1940 and how it impacted on the outcome of WWII?


House of Commons visit:


Year 4 blog: