JRSO blog:

As you are aware, our children and community have been championing safe crossings and routes to school for the past few years. We have been regularly contacting local councillors and listening to our parent views. We have been working hard to ensure that pathways are clear and bushes are cut back to ensure a safe route for all, well into the winter months. We are so very pleased to share that Our Lady & St Joseph will benefit from a safe crossing on Ramley road in the near future! New Forest District council have been analysing and reporting on the safety of the local roads and how they can best be improved.

Lymington & New Milton times reports:

The report explained an initial proposal to install speed humps to reduce traffic speeds in Ramley Road in the town has been discontinued in favour of a crossing point near to Our Lady and St Joseph Primary School.

This will include a reduction in the highway to create a pinch point and enable the widening of the footway.

The council had previously allocated £147,710 to this scheme, which is also expected to take around seven months.

We look forward to a safer future and enabling more of you to travel to school in a sustainable way in the near future! Well done to all our children and families for supporting this vision. In particular, our JRSO's past, present and near future!


Trip to Waterstones blog:


Wednesday Word: