Forest school blog:

We have been busy creating a wonderful forest school area this half term. We have a beautiful wild area behind the library bus where soon it will be a hive of activity and exploration.

Thank you so much for all your very kind donations they will be extremely helpful as we develop the area. We have received pots and pans, bug hunting equipment, Identification books and much more!

We are also very grateful to all those parents who donated their time last Friday. It was extremely helpful to have extra pairs of hands to help clear the area and without your help we wouldn’t have managed to fill the skip with all the debris we did! Your enthusiasm and help were very much appreciated!

You may be wondering what Forest school is and what its purpose is. Forest school supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting.

Typical activities at forest schools include den building, campfire cooking, woodcraft activities, creative natural art, bug hunts, fauna and flora identification, scavenger hunts and using tools such as a bow saw, palm drill and learning to whittle! It is a great opportunity to observe and enhance our science and DT curriculum too.

Studies have shown that children who engage in forest school have shown the following benefits over time.

·    Increased self-esteem and confidence.

·    Improved social skills, especially in cooperation and awareness of others.

·    Increased motivation and concentration.

·    Development of communication and language skills.

·    Improved physical motor skills.

·    Increased knowledge and understanding of the environment.

Mrs Watt is a level 3 trained forest school leader with lots of experience and is excited to be able to create a wonderful area for the children and cannot wait to be able to deliver sessions for them soon!

We would still be grateful for anymore donations of woodland animals both toys and cuddlies. Utensils for the mud kitchen, tea sets, goblets, cups for the mud kitchen...  Bug hunting and information books... Tarpaulin, tent pegs for den building... Pallets, cable drums for tables... Astroturf to weatherproof the pallets. If you have any of the above or anything else, you think would enhance the area and you would be happy to donate we would be very thankful!


Eco blog:


OLSJ Athletics team