Prayer trail blog:

Today staff and children across the school joined together along with  Fr David, Linda and Steve from CAFOD to explore the power of prayer! The children participated in 6 stations that helped them delve deeper into understanding different types of prayer. At our first station, we gave praise and thanks for the gifts we have in our lives, through our friends, family, leaders and communities. Children thought about influential people in their lives and why they are thankful for them. At our second station, we thought about prayers of repentance and how sharing our sins with God can help lighten the load we carry. Children participated in activities such as washing away their sins in water and removing sins with God's love. As we moved on to our third station, children thought about prayers that ask God for something. Children in Year R and KS1 thought about prayers that ask for things for themselves and KS2 children thought about prayers for others in our lives and our global families. The final type of prayer we learnt about were prayers of adoration and celebration. In particular, today we focussed on adoration and celebration for God and Mary - prayers that say yay and yes thank you God! Together in classes, the children thought about what God and Mary meant to them and wrote their own lines for a whole school prayer of celebration. We cannot wait to start using these prayers in our times of worship. 

As well as exploring the types of prayers , Children worked with Steve from CAFOD to think about ways they can pledge to live simply. Each class has created wishes and hopes for the future and these will be feeding into our plans for the next school year! Finally the children each created a prayer item that will be shared in our new prayer space that is currently in development. 

We all thoroughly enjoyed this special time of worship and reflection together and we are looking forward to seeing how our ideas and thoughts will follow through in the next few weeks and coming months. 


Poetry By Heart:


Year 6 blog: