School Council Summit. Feb 2020.

Max (School Council Chair), Lillie (Vice Chair), Teddy and Oliver all represented Our Lady & St Joseph at the Partnership School Council Summit on 7th February. All Year 5 and Year 6 School Council members from across the partnership schools came together.  During the morning session, we learned more about Fair Trade, and how this initaitive helps farmers and workers in countries all around the world. We were shocked by the exploitation of these workers and are determined to encourage the Fair Trade campaign to support them. 

We worked together to mindmap ways we can promote Fair Trade in school, and are planning an event to support Fair Trade during the Summer 'Fiver Challenge' . Each school presented their ideas, and we all collaborated and shared together how we can move this initative further forward in our schools. There were some very innovative ideas and it was wonderful to see our young people being so passionate for bringing about change. We will be bringing back our work to share with the other members of school council and the rest of our school. 

In the afternoon, we all discussed the Eco Schools programme, and carried out a questionnaire to see what we are doing well (and not so well) as a school at promoting environmental awareness and action. Our Lady & St Joseph decided to focus on the theme of 'Energy' and will be taking back some ideas to school as to how we can combat our energy usage.  

It was wonderful to meet children from other schools and we all worked very well together as a team. Thank you very much to the Primary Catholic Partnership who hosted us for the day. We had a great time!


Year R. People who Help Us. Feb 2020.


Football Update. Feb 2020.