Pip and Pap Autumnal Competition

We are proud to announce the winners of our Pip and Pap Autumnal Half Term competition across the partnership, for pupils in Year R, 1, and 2! Pupils were invited to design an 'autumnal' Pip and Pap character, in a scarf, hat and gloves, ready for the chillier weather! 

The winners were:

Sinclair: Youssef Year 2 & Liliana Year 2

OLSJ: Ben - Year 1

Bitterne Park: Oliver Year R, Freya Year 2, Jack Year 2

Mansel Park: Ayden Year R

They have won a Pip and Pap book of their choice and their design has been brought to life by series illustrator David Tomkins! Take a look at our gallery below that showcases all of our Autumnal entries, aren't they fabulous? 

Look out for a whole school competition coming soon!


Year R Parent and Child Workshop OLSJ


Free E Book - Purple Phase Phonics