Ofsted update. Jun 2021.

18th June 2021

Dear Parents

Amazing Ofsted News – “There is enough evidence of improved performance to suggest that the school could be judged outstanding if we were to carry out a section 5 inspection now”.

Please find attached the Ofsted Report for our school. I am incredibly proud of everyone in our school community. Following the visit by two of Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI), Our school has been judged to be Good, with a significant further judgement that “There is enough evidence of improved performance to suggest that the school could be judged outstanding if we were to carry out a section 5 inspection now”. This means that a further inspection will take place within the year to gather evidence of Outstanding practice. I like to think that we are aiming for a ‘Splendid’ educational experience for all of the children within our care and it was wonderful that Ofsted recognised the hard work and dedication of all of our community!

 I am very proud of our teachers, support staff, governors and leaders. We all place our children at the very centre of all we do. Thank you to all families for trusting us with your children. As I read the attached letter, I see every member of our community ‘s dedication to our children clearly outlined. I see their focus, unpaid hours and true vocation. I thank them all for that drive and determination. Their hard work and dedication has clearly been observed by the inspection team.

The inspection process was incredibly thorough. It was certainly a rigorous and thoroughly evidenced process. Ultimately, however, the children and the provision they receive remain at the core of this letter - I am clear that the team fully understood the provision we provide, it was heartening to read:

“Leaders have created an inspiring curriculum. The school’s vision of helping pupils develop their ‘sense of place in the world’ is at the centre of learning” …. “Teachers ensure pupils gain the knowledge they need to think deeply about challenging concepts”.

And that we:

“ensure that all pupils achieve exceptionally well.”

As we place all of our children firmly at the core of all we do, it was also particularly pleasing to note that the Inspection Team observed that:

“Our Lady and St Joseph is a friendly and inclusive school where everyone thrives. Pupils are always eager to discover and celebrate what makes each person special. “

And that…

“Pupils also have a fervent love of reading”.

We have been heartily congratulated by both the Local Authority and Diocese.

I am proud that Ofsted recognised the true dedication to our children across the school, and that they judged us to have enough evidence of improved performance to suggest that the school could be judged outstanding if a section 5 inspection took place now.

Please do take time to read the report. Thank you to every member of the staff team for their dedication and care of our children. Our children are exceptional and I am very proud of them. Their confidence, care and compassion shone through and our focus of placing the child at the centre of all we do came through clearly in their voices. I look forwards to our next inspection and thank all our families for their support over the past two years of my Leadership at Our Lady and St Joseph.

Thank you all for your trust.

Yours sincerely

Gerida Montague

Executive Headteacher


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