Year 1 and 2 Trip to Marwell Zoo

In Science we are learning all about the climate of the rainforest, so on Wednesday, 18th September Year 1 and Year 2 were fortunate enough to have a wonderful trip to Marwell Zoo. We attended a very interesting workshop where we learnt all about the rainforest environment and the animals who live there. We even were allowed to stroke a cockroach and a snake! We were very brave! We then visited the Tropical House section of the zoo which helped our learning about the rainforest as we could see all the different layers and experience how warm and humid the atmosphere was. We even met a sloth, hanging from the leaves of the trees! Another exciting part of the trip was when we got to see the lemurs up close in the lemur walk, where we were allowed in their enclosure! As a bonus, we managed to see some other animals like giraffes, meerkats, cheetahs, leopards and penguins which was very exciting.

We all had a great day!


House Update : Memory Challenge


Year R update