Year R. People who help us. Jan 2020.

Lymington Fire Brigade came to visit Year R on Thursday for our People Who Help Us topic. The fire fighters spoke to Year R about fire safety and what to do in an emergency. They showed Year R round the truck, explaining all the different equipment and what it is used for. The children enjoyed sitting in the truck, and exploring the different tools including a heat detector. They even practised squirting the hose, the water went a long way!

Midwife Dani also came to Year R to speak about what she does as a midwife. The children used different vegetables to show how big babies get at certain weeks in pregnancy. The children also explored different apparatus such as stethoscopes, a heartbeat monitor, syringe and blood tubes.


e-Cadets Assembly. Jan 2020.


Priestlands Cross Country Tournament. Jan 2020.