Year 3 and 4 Swimming:

The children have gone from strength to strength over the past few weeks and have continued to develop and improve their swimming skills. We are incredibly proud of their efforts over the last few weeks. Each session, the children were grouped to ensure they received personalised support from the swimming coaches., that focussed on their individual needs.

Some of our pupils have been focusing on improving their arm pulls and leg kicking, both on their front and back. They have slowly reduced their swimming aids whilst they have been doing this, as they have grown in confidence both within and across sessions. Whilst some of our more experienced swimmers have been building up their swimming endurance, focussing on movements with specific arms, developing confidence with breaststroke and also 'dolphin gliding'.

A big well done to all the children. It has been lovely to see the children thoroughly enjoying these sessions whilst building up their skills and becoming increasingly confident in the water. The children's resilience, confidence and determination has gone from strength to strength. A great life skill to have! Well done Year 3 & 4!


Reading Ambassadors:


Year 2 Pip and Pap Parent & Child Workshop: