Everton Nurseries. Sept 2021.

Our local garden centre, Everton Nurseries will be turning 100 years old in 2022!

The Nursery is holding an art competition to celebrate their centenary - local schools have been asked to create artwork to display in the garden centre! There is a £500 prize for the winning school and the winning children will receive a family day out voucher and a gardening kit!

Children all drew their own picture - here are our winners and the entries that will be sent to Everton Nurseries.

Well done to Peggy, Libby, Madison, Rose, Kinga, Hector, Summer, Richard and Louie!

We will find out if any of the pictures from Our Lady have been chosen in January 2022!


Year 6 Update. Sept 2021.


Eco Update. Sept 2021.