Our new School Council.

We have voted for our new School Council.

Our School Council have a very important role within school, representing the views and voice of their class. They will help vote on important issues and discuss with Mrs Montague and Mrs Prince how we can make improvements within our school and local community.  

During 2022-2023 we will be focusing upon the following projects:

Experience Passports

Safety around Ramley Road

Our Prayer Shelter

We have also voted for our new Eco Leaders.

Our Eco Leaders will work with Mr Clark and Mrs Rothwell on maintaining our Eco Green Flag status- with a particular focus this year on biodiversity, the school grounds and healthy living.

During 2022-2023 we will be focusing upon the following areas:

Maintaining our school grounds, wild garden and orchard

Farmer Fairshare Market

Cooking our own produce at home


Sunflower Competition.


House Captains.