Ramley Road Update

Our JRSOs sent their Road Safety assembly as a video to Cllr Forster, who has sent a lovely reply to the pupils - please see below.

"Dear OLSJ, 

Thank you so much for your time and for the opportunity to hear from the children about their concerns about road safety.

I’m also appreciative of the video sent through, which I have immediately forwarded to Cllr Nick Adams King, and to Cllr Barry Dunning, to highlight the issue.

As I said when at the school, I cannot promise to deliver this, however I appreciate the thought and effort that has been put in and I have relayed my support for improvements to both Cllr Adams King and Dunning. They both confirmed that they were looking at what options may be appropriate, and whether sufficient funding was available to progress this. My personal recommendation was to consider a speed table and or road painting, although whether these are viable will be dependent on budget and highways engineers assessment.

I’d appreciate it if you can pass on my thanks once again to the JRSOs, the children, and your teachers for the professional and well thought through presentation. I’m hopeful that something appropriate can be funded and designed, although will have to let our experienced Highways officers determine priority of this and what may be best. I do hope to keep you updated once I hear anything further.


Kind regards

Cllr Forester".

To see the video - click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72Zcjcv0hU


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