Year 4 RE

Year 4 created a beautiful song together for Pentecost as part of their learning in RE. You can watch the video below! 

If you'd like to sing along, here are the lyrics - the Year 4 pupils wrote them themselves (with a little help from Mr Riste-Smith!) The tune is 'The Wellerman'.

There once was a man who was crucified, and his name was Lord Jesus Christ.
He was taken down into his tomb, but what next we didn’t expect...

Soon though he will arise, to make the disciples feel wide eyed,
One day when all is done, he will take his leave and go.

It had just been 40 days, when he had to ascend again,

The crowd looked down and all were sad, but knew he had to leave.

Soon though he will arise, to break the bread and give the wine,
One day when all is done, he will take his leave and go.

You will all be my witness, as I tell you what to do,

Go now friends to Jerusalem to share my words with them.

Soon though he will arise, to break the bread and give the wine,

One day when all is done he will take his leave and go.

Soon may the flame appear, even though Jesus has disappeared, 

Then came the languages into the disciples minds.


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