Year R blog – Fire visit

Hampshire Fire & Rescue Visit

Year R have recently enjoyed a visited by Hampshire Fire & Rescue service. In Year R, the children enjoyed taking part in a fire story to help understand about dangers and safety. They were each given a part to play and especially enjoyed making the noises of the different fire equipment! They then learnt a new rhyme to help them remember how to stay safe around matches and lighters.

In KS1, the children were taught about the different fire equipment that is used to help keep people safe. Miss Wingate demonstrated the equipment along with Oliwia- don't they look fabulous! We then enjoyed singing a song to help us remember how to keep safe for fires.

In KS2, the children listened to stories about the dangers of fire and how they can play their part in keeping family safe. The children learnt how as a family we can check our smoke detectors and make safety changes in their own homes to improve our safety. Did you know if you always check your fire alarm once a month on the first of each month, you can be certain they are working!

What a fabulous day of learning had by all - we cannot wait to welcome Hampshire Fire & Rescue back to OLSJ in the future!


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