Money skills

The children enjoyed the HSBC workshops today.

Year R and 1 were hooked in by reading a book about Edd and Bunny who went shopping and had to save their money. This story encouraged children to think about their spending and to not spend all of their money on things which are not necessarily needed. The children enjoyed playing the shopping list game afterwards. 

Years 2 and 3 looked at how money has changed over time throughout our history. It was traced back to early times when trade was used instead of a consistent widespread currency. They were particularly amused by the idea of trading cows to get what you need.

Years 4 and 5 had a thrilling and useful input on money where they learned what the value of money was and made some deliberate choices about the cost of having a balanced diet. The children were surprised to find out that we can have a balanced, healthy meal each day for no more than £5!

Then, we were lucky enough to be awarded with a School Money Award for 2023. Mr Clark very kindly collected it for us. We are so glad we've learnt our key skills to looking after our money!


Year 6


Summer Singalong