School Council Trip

The School Council had a wonderful trip to Lymington & Pennington Town Council on the 17th October, to learn more about local democracy. We took part in a 'mock council meeting' in the council chamber, which was chaired by the Mayor! Teddy and Oliver played the parts of councillors, and presented some fantastic ideas to the council about alternatives to single use plastic in the town centre. We voted on their proposals, and all of their motions were agreed and carried! Max was the Town Clerk and discussed the 'Woodside Gardens play area report'. We had to vote on new equipment for the area - the 'multiplay unit' was the most successful. Lillie and Louis also performed fabulously as 'members of the public' and asked extremely insightful questions about our local area. We concluded our visit with a Q&A with the Mayor. We all felt very grown up sitting in the council chamber and very much enjoyed our visit! We learned lots about plans for the local area, but also about how a council meeting runs and the democratic process in which decisions are made. 

We were also lucky enough to visit St. Barbe Museum as part of our trip, and learned about the history of Lymington & Pennington Town Council. We particularly enjoyed learning about the history of the 'logo' and coats of arms that the council have previously held. 


Non uniform day for Oakhaven Hospice Trust


One million children pray the Rosary