CAFOD: Live Simply Blog

“What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?”

Pope Francis

This week, we were blessed with a fabulous assembly and a reflective workshop with Steve where we were able to take time to reflect on how we ‘Live Simply’ and continue to strive for a sustainable and simple life in solidarity with one another. We are passionate about caring for God’s creation, nourishing our spiritual life and strengthening the bonds of our community. We are committed to co-jointly “protecting this world which God has entrusted to us”. We spent time together considering the impact we already have within our school, local community and globally. We also spent some time considering how we might ensure that ideas that we have begun are sustained and have substantial impact; in order to leave a legacy for those who follow after us.

We have begun to set out our action plan and vision here at Our Lady & St Joseph, where we aim to exemplify how to:

·         Live simply

·         Live sustainably with creation

·         Live in solidarity with people living in poverty

Keep an eye out for upcoming news and details on our vision and year group champion areas for our vision!


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