Catenian lunch blog:

This week our children were lucky enough to be invited to join the Catenians and their wives for lunch at South Lawns Hotel. Natasha and Elizabeth represented our Prayer Leader team and the rest of the school's vision regarding our new prayer space. They presented with such clarity and confidence and we were incredibly proud of them. They managed to raise £412! Taking our total £56.21 away from our target! 

What an incredible feat and such generosity from the Catenians and their wives. We met many people who were able to share stories of their lives and those they know who have attended Our Lady in the past. We even met a lovely lady who used to be Chair of Governors of OLSJ over 10 years ago! We are excited at the start of a new relationship and friendship, rooted in faith, family and friendship as part of our wider family community.

You can find out more about our prayer space and see our presentation below:

Don't just take our word for it, here are some comments from those that attended the afternoon.

  • What a wonderful presentation. Thank you so much, I am so impressed and it has been lovely to meet these pupils. Such confidence! May you continue in your future endeavours to make our world a better place. Thank you for your interesting and confident presentation and inspiring talk. The young ladies spoke with such clarity. They are a credit to their teachers and their school. You are very brave girls. You provided more information and insight than many multi-million companies ever do when seeking support. The communal thought and effort that went into this is to be commended. Thank you to them and the staff for their great support.

You started with peace in your hearts. Let that continue to spread to others. God bless you, as well as the school for all the work that they do. We wish you every success with your fundraising efforts. We hope that you raise a lot of money for your prayer area. Good luck with your new prayer space. My prayers are with you all for your continued and well deserved successes.


Wednesday Word:


Year 6 blog: