Worship Leaders

Our Worship Leaders have been busy today - first delivering an assembly to the whole school this morning, sharing the story of Doubting Thomas.

They discussed with the whole school how we are all a bit like Thomas sometimes.

Sometimes we don’t believe something someone tells us, until we see it for ourselves.

In just the same way, it isn’t always easy for us to believe in God and Jesus. Even though we listen to the Gospel, and hear about God’s love for us from people at church, home and school, it can be difficult to keep believing when things go wrong or when we are sad or afraid. However, we must always have faith.

This afternoon, our Worship Leaders worked with Linda Guilding and Fr David to prepare Friday's Mass - choosing the readings for the Mass together and writing their own prayers.

All parents are welcome at our whole school Mass on Friday, at 9am, which will be held in school. We hope to see you there!


Pip and Pap Year R Workshop


Thank you PTA