Pip and Pap Design an Easter Egg Box Competition

Across the partnership, we held a 'Pip and Pap' Design an Easter Egg Box competition for Years R to 2.

We had so many entries - and some absolutely spectacular designs! It was ever so hard to pick one winner at each school!

Congratulations to Esme (YR) at Our Lady & St Joseph, Eddie (Y2) at Sinclair, Zofia (Y2) at Holy Family, Orla (YR) at Bitterne Park and Mya (YR) at Mansel Park, who were the selected winners. 

David Tomkins, Pip and Pap series illustrator, took the five winning designs and turned them into Easter Egg boxes. We hope that the winners like their designs and we hope that you enjoy your chocolatey treat too!

Take a look at our gallery of entries below - well done to everyone that took part, and Happy Easter!


Easter Sing Song
